The Sequence Scope: Go Big First, Then Compress

Weekly newsletter with over 80,000 subscribers that discusses impactful ML research papers, cool tech releases, the money in AI, and real-life implementations.

Jesus Rodriguez
4 min readMar 28, 2021

The Sequence Scope is a summary of the most important published research papers, released technology and startup news in the AI ecosystem in the last week. This compendium is part of TheSequence newsletter. Data scientists, scholars, and developers from Microsoft Research, Intel Corporation, Linux Foundation AI, Google, Lockheed Martin, Cardiff University, Mellon College of Science, Warsaw University of Technology, Universitat Politècnica de València and other companies and universities are already subscribed to TheSequence.

📝 Editorial: Go Big First, Then Compress

Bigger models are better tells us the conventional wisdom in machine learning(ML). In the current state of the ML ecosystem dominated by supervised learning models, the mantra is to go big. Bigger…



Jesus Rodriguez

CEO of IntoTheBlock, President of Faktory, President of NeuralFabric and founder of The Sequence , Lecturer at Columbia University, Wharton, Angel Investor...